This droid was made for the scene where Kylo Ren is sitting having the wound on his face and neck tended to. The brief was to create spidery fingered droid such that it could be "flown in" next to Kylo's face (via a handheld lance). The key piece of art direction from Creature Effects Creative Supervisor - Neal Scanlan, was that the fingers should be jittery and rapid moving, like an insect. And that they should come to a point as if it's manipulating stitches in Kylo's face. The stunning original artwork from Concept Artist & Sculptor - Luke Fisher, gave me absolute clarity on what it needed to look like, and I was able to build the CAD models seen here accurately to Luke's concepts.
Puppeteers in this scene : Neal Scanlan . Me . Plus one other whom I've totally forgotten as I was hyper focused on the work at hand, if it was you, apologies but do let me know and I'll correct.